Sunday, 3 May 2015

AWC of B Meeting for May 2015

The May 2015 meeting will take place as follows:

Tuesday, 12th May 2015
Main Guard, The Garrison, Hastings, Christ Church, Barbados

10:00am - Coffee and Nibbles Social 1/2 hour
10:30am - Meeting begins

We will be focusing on the continuation of the presentation of the new club BY LAWS , which began at the April meeting.  Each club member was sent, via e-mail, a copy of the new bylaws and we will need to complete and vote on these at the May Meeting.

Voting will also take place for the slate of officers for the 2015-2016 club year.

A quorum of 25 members in good standing is required to be able to vote on both of these items.  Please make a point to be there.

May 2015

I guess it's one of those things.. again... that life gets in the way.. The last year has proven, in the opinion of this writer, to be a hard and interesting one for the American Women's Club of Barbados. It has also meant going back to work for me, as the News and Bulletin Editor , even if only for a brief time but it also meant not spending as much time in meeting my goals for this group, which basically were to get the newsletter out on time and to keep our internet and social media presence updated in a timely manner. Please have a look at the newsletters from October 2014 to May 2015 as they have now been uploaded on to this blog. Promises of being better over the coming months will be made and the running of our social media presence will possibly be turned over in the next few months to a few others who will help in making sure we keep our readers up to date with our AWC of Barbados activities etc.. Thanks for reading..