Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Monday, 7 May 2018

AWC Charity Tea at the Newly Re-opened Chatters Tea Room 12 May 2018

May 2018 Meeting Reminder

  American Women's Club of Barbados
Monthly meeting
May 8th, 2018

The Main Guard, 
Garrison Savannah, 
Hastings, Christ Church Barbados

10:0am - 10:30am Social 1/2 hour

10:30am - 12:30pm - Meeting

Remember..  We will be voting for the officer for 
the upcoming 2018-2019 club year

Only members who are in good standing, 
dues paid by the November meeting, are eligible to hold office and vote.  

members are requested to bring nibbles, sweet or savory

Friday, 2 March 2018

Sorry for the break in transmission

Sometimes in groups, as in life, things get taken for granted and fall behind.

We must apologize for our lack of communication for the last 2 1/2 years.  There really is no excuse, except to say....Life gets in the way!!!

We take this opportunity to advise that we will be working to better fulfill the obligation of keeping this blog up and running, as part of our club, out reach to our community and contact with those in our organization and others who may wish to know that there is an American Women's Club in Barbados.

thank you!!